When someone is contemplating selling their company, it’s literally going into the dark night, hoping to find that brighter light. They are looking for a whole host of things, but most people want their lives to be better afterward than before.

Business owners have a lot of things that keep them up at night in the context of “what would it look like to sell my business.” Common questions they have are:

  • What is going to happen to my employees?
  • What is going to happen to me?
  • Am I doing the right thing for my family?

Western seeks to help business owners navigate what can be a very emotionally charged, challenging, and confusing process and bring order to that. We do not form a relationship based on a transaction but rather a transaction based on a relationship. Through this engagement, we become friends, almost family. Ultimately, we are just ordinary people who understand that this is more than trying to get a deal done.

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