Generally speaking, acquiring a company is very simple. Find one that is being marketed and pay the highest price in the auction. Brokers make this easy by sending out hundreds of catalogs extolling the virtues of the companies they represent but rarely disclosing the real reason they wish to sell and herding you into a rigid process.
In contrast, Western seeks to get out ahead of processes and engage potential sellers before they initiate an auction. Ultimately, however, the trick to making strategic acquisitions that will improve the chemistry of your company while increasing its value is identifying companies with talented and motivated leaders who will buy into and augment your vision for the future.
Accordingly, when Western is engaged as a buy-side representative, we seek to utilize a nimble, dynamic approach and pursue highly personal transactions over cold, broad auctions. We believe this approach is more likely to lead to long-term success for buyer and seller.
Acquisition Planning
Western will work with your executive leadership team to identify areas of opportunity within existing or adjacent markets.
Target Identification
Once a strategy has been agreed on, Western will identify the most attractive acquisition candidates in the desired market (many of whom are not active sellers).
Initial outreach & discussion
Western will determine the best method of approaching the target with a message that highlights the exciting opportunities available at your company.
valuation, diligence, and closing
Western can act as or work alongside your internal M&A team to quarterback and perform valuation, LOI negotiation, and due diligence/closing activities.
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